Feb. 12, 2024 Virtual Reality maintenance shift: A new era for Air Force training in Middletown MIDDLETOWN, Pa.-- Virtual reality (VR) maintenance training has officially arrived here and is set to begin instructing airmen on MC-130J Commando II maintenance.
April 11, 2018 New RED HORSE commander appointed A new commander was appointed to the 201st RED HORSE Squadron at Fort Indiantown Gap April 8.
Jan. 7, 2018 New FSS commander appointed Lt. Col. Donald O’Shell assumed command Jan. 6 of the 193rd Special Operations Force Support Squadron here.
Nov. 2, 2017 193rd SOS loadmasters conduct canary slides training Loadmasters from the 193rd Special Operations Squadron conducted bi-fold auxiliary ramp (canary slides) training Oct. 30 on the flightline.