The Montgomery G.I. Bill - Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606) is an education program that provides up to 36 months of education benefits to members of the Selected Reserve.

You can be eligible for chapter 1606 benefits, if you meet the following requirements:

 Incur a six-year Selected Reserve Obligation. You must enter into a six-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve. If you’re an officer, you must agree to serve six years in addition to your current obligation.

 Be awarded a 3-skill level.

 Maintain Selected Reserve Status. Serve in a drilling Selected Reserve unit and remain in good standing.

 Complete High School. You must obtain a high school diploma or equivalency certificate before you apply for benefits.

Chapter 1606 Pay rates effective 1 October 2022

Great! I'm do I start my benefit?

Members need proof of their eligibility! Your proof is a form called a "Notice of Basic Eligibility" (NOBE). You can find this form in your PRDA.  If you cannot find the form in your PRDA, contact the Retention Office to get a copy!

Once you have your NOBE, you must take this form to your VA representative at the school you plan on attending.  If this is the first time using your GI Bill benefit, you should provide this form 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCE of your class start date.   Your VA Representative will submit an enrollment certification to the VA and as soon as that is processed, your account will be active.  This process can take up to 60 days, depending on how busy the VA is.


I started my what?

First time users must set up an account with the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (W.A.V.E) system. You cannot set up an account in W.A.V.E until the VA has processed the enrollment certification they received from the school. First time users should review and follow the WAVE User Guide


I have an active W.A.V.E do I get PAID?

Each month you are in school,  you must verify your school attendance.  Your enrollment can be verified starting on the last calendar day of the month using the W.A.V.E system OR by calling their toll-free telephone line at 1-877-823-2378. If you cannot log into W.A.V.E - this means you don't have an active account.  Most times, you are unable to log into your account because your school has not submitted your enrollment certification or the VA has not yet processed it.



Remember, the Retention Office establishes and verifies your eligibility for this program, but the VA administers the program.

Call your Retention office at 717-948-2505 if you have general questions.

Call the VA at 7-888-442-4551 or submit a question using their Ask a Question link (you will need to establish an account) to ask specific questions about your specific situation.