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  • Airman Insight: Senior Airman Jake Brader

    Senior Airman Jake Brader, a Traffic Management Office specialist with the 193rd Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron, has served three years in the Pennsylvania National Guard.During his time in the military, Brader has proved to be a valuable asset to the TMO team and the 193rd SOLRS as

  • 148th ASOS conducts night training

    Tactical Air Control Party specialists from the 148th Air Support Operations Squadron conducted night training Jan. 11, 2020, at Fort Indiantown Gap.

  • New recruits honored in mass enlistment

    More than 60 U.S. Air Force and Army recruits recite the oath of enlistment during a mass-enlistment at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Jan. 9, 2020, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The event allowed the recruits the opportunity to be recognized by their local community as they begin their journey into

  • CBD not OK for Airmen; products may cause positive drug test

    MIDDLETOWN, Pa. — Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is growing in popularity and has become a wide-spread ingredient in health, beauty, cooking and pet products. A derivative of the cannabis sativa L. plant – commonly known as marijuana – it raises the question: is it OK for service members and federal

  • 193rd SOW Airmen help deliver holiday cheer

    Airmen from the 193rd Special Operations Wing teamed up with Soldiers from the Pennsylvania National Guard to support the 30th Annual Holiday Wish Program Dec. 11, 2019, at the Keystone Building in Harrisburg.