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Operation Cookie Drop unites families, deployed Airmen

ANNVILLE, Pa. -- Approximately 500 dozen cookies were baked by volunteers and donated to the 193rd Special Operation Wing's 201st RED HORSE Squadron's 2014 Operation Cookie Drop this summer.

The operation is the third of its kind for the RHS's Family Support Group and by far the largest. Cookies, upon cookies, upon cookies were vacuum sealed, boxed and shipped to the deployed Airmen of the 201st RHS to give them a homemade taste of home.
"It is a fun way to get together as a group during a deployment which helps family members get to know and support each other," said Janis Robinson a 201st RHS volunteer and wife of Lt. Col. Terry Robinson, 201st RHS logistics officer . "It is also a great way for those at home to feel more connected with their loved ones who are far from home."

Cookies were collected over a three-week period. The early batches of cookies were then frozen for preservation purposes.

"The cookies were baked mostly by family and friends of the 201st RED HORSE; 201st retirees, family members, and co-workers of Guard family members," said Robinson. "We got an especially good response from Guard moms and grandmothers for this event, because who wouldn't want homemade cookies from their mom or grandmother?"

July 12 was assembly day.
"We get together on assembly day to vacuum seal the cookies, put everything in individual stockings, label the bags, put a Santa hat and instructions in each box and prepare them for shipping," said Robinson.

More than 50 people diligently worked together to create the packages that had a "seasons summer greetings" theme. A total of 38 boxes were packaged, which was equivalent to 940 pounds.

"Receiving stockings filled with homemade treats certainly brings a taste and sense of home and family to those deployed," said Colonel Robinson. "Bringing together family members for a common purpose helps everyone understand that they all truly are part of the Guard family."