Wing 'down day' focuses on prevention, response to sexual assault, suicide Published June 14, 2015 By Staff Sgt. Claire Behney 193rd Special Operations Wing Middletown, Pa. -- The 193rd Special Operations Wing here facilitated its annual Wingman Day on Sunday of the June unit training assembly. The goal was to conduct ancillary training in sexual assault prevention and response as well as suicide prevention. The SAPR training addressed topics of sexual assault myths and facts; how to talk to an assault survivor; the differences between empathy and sympathy when helping an assault survivor; and rape culture. Suicide prevention training focused on the risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide, as well as comprehensive Airman fitness, which is comprised of four focus areas: physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. Both areas of training were delivered in an interactive environment to encourage an open forum of discussion between Airmen. Wing leaders participated in Wingman Day alongside Airmen of all ranks, and emphasized that, although the wing prides itself on its legacy of excellence, the 193rd SOW is not immune to incidences of assault and attempted suicide. Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Regina Stoltzfus encouraged Airmen to not be bystanders and look out for their wingmen. "We're here to help and get you connected to the right resources," said Stoltzfus. For additional information and resources available to Airmen, visit